All available courses are listed on PDE3 and Participants should register on BOTH sites and HSTA members will receive full reimbursement of the course fees upon successful completion of the course.
Media Literacy in the Age of "Fake News"
$150 deposit to HSTA-will be refunded upon successful completion of the course
3 PD Credits
Next Session: January 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED
$150 deposit to HSTA-will be refunded upon successful completion of the course
3 PD Credits
Next Session: January 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED

This course will explore ways to inform students how to be critical consumers of news and media. Course participants will explore their own experiences with the media, read and view research regarding how media is currently distributed and consumed, learn about the impact of social media on students, and review many resources on how to teach media literacy to their students and increase their achievement on the Research Claim of the Common Core State Standards. This course is appropriate for teachers of all content areas that require students to conduct research or use online resources, grades 3-12.
Beyond the Exit Pass
$150-deposit to HSTA, will be refunded upon successful completion of the course.
3 PD Credits
Next Session: January 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED
$150-deposit to HSTA, will be refunded upon successful completion of the course.
3 PD Credits
Next Session: January 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED

This course is designed for teachers of all content areas in grade levels 3-12. Teachers will learn a variety of strategies to formatively assess student learning and respond to student needs quickly and effectively. The following three approaches to formative assessment are: academic discussion, checks for understanding, and targeted analysis of student work through self assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment. Upon completion of this course, teachers will have a tool kit of strategies to increase engagement while simultaneously understanding where their students are in the learning process.
Keeping it Real with PBL (Elementary & Secondary) Part 1 & 2
3 PD Credits
Current Sessions: Part 1: December 2023 REGISTRATION CLOSED
Part 2: Janauary 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED
3 PD Credits
Current Sessions: Part 1: December 2023 REGISTRATION CLOSED
Part 2: Janauary 2024 REGISTRATION CLOSED

This online course beings with a book study in Part 1, during which participants will design an implement lessons to build a PBL culture in their classrooms. In Part 1, participants will also design a Project Based Unit, which will be implemented in Part 2 of the course. Participants will meet synchronously to brainstorm and benchmark their units, and receive feedback from their peers. This course is designed to support participants as they begin their journey into Project Based Learning, which ample resources, reflection, and feedback for participants to become confident designers and teachers of PBL.
Strategies for Struggling Readers
3 PD Credits
3 PD Credits

This hybrid face-to-face and online course is designed to assist teachers with developing their strategies to support struggling secondary readers. This course will consist of a one day face-to-face professional development session where participants will learn about and participate in evidence-based reading strategies. Participants will complete multiple reflections and assignments as they work through three modules: vocabulary, comprehension strategies and discussion strategies. A comprehensive portfolio including student work samples will be collected from each participant.